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Friday, July 1, 2011

Medical Records-I'd like my VBAC please!!

 I had a C-Section with my daughter in 2004. The practice I used was a docs office upstairs and a women hospital down stairs. The practice closed and my doc moved practices. She stored her records at another hospital. I have requested med records 2 times now and got everything they had twice. They are very nice to deal with. Problem is on C-section day the whole surgery is missing besides one sheet of paper. My doc needs the surgery notes in order to allow me a Vbac vbac. The regular notes go from 12:30pm when doc orders the ER CS and then nothing until 4:00pm so 3 1/2 hours are missing. I know Chey was born at 1pm and placenta delivered at 1:02. That's it! There was another doc present. But it's my understanding med rec are stored by patient name not doc. So anyway I decided I would call the hospital that has the records AGAIN annnnddddd get this, they have had software issues for MONTHS and can't find anyones stuff because its all in numbered boxes. And she said it could be months before they find anything. Really!? Just REALLY!!

Thankfully  I'm not due for 5.5 months but I want to get my ducks in a row... My worst case will be to go into labor and decline CS at the hospital....
My doc will let me go to 41 weeks or Jan 2 without a say a prayer that someone somewhere finds the records!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so frustrating how difficult it is to get copies of your own medical records! Good thing you still have quite a bit of time before you really need them. Hoping you get them soon so there will be one less worry for you.
